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Should You Be Intermittent Fasting?

Intermittent fasting is not considered dieting, but a pattern of controlled eating that has multiple health benefits. All you do is eat your normal amount of food in a smaller time frame which reduces your eating window to 8 hours a day.

To understand how intermittent fasting leads to fat loss we first need to understand the difference between the fed state and the fasted state.

Your body is in the fed state when it is digesting and absorbing food.

Typically, the fed state starts when you begin eating and lasts for three to five hours as your body digests and absorbs the food you just ate. When you are in the fed state, it much more difficult for your body to burn fat because your insulin levels are higher.

After that timespan, your body goes into what is known as the post–absorptive state, which is just a fancy way of saying that your body isn’t processing a meal. The post–absorptive state lasts until 8 to 12 hours after your last meal, which is when you enter the fasted state. It is much easier for you body to burn fat in the fasted state because your insulin levels are low.

When you're in the fasted state your body can burn fat that has been inaccessible during the fed state.

Because we don't enter the fasted state until 12 hours after our last meal, it's rare that our bodies are in this fat burning state. This is one of the reasons why many people who start intermittent fasting will lose fat without changing what they eat, how much they eat, or how often they exercise. That being said, imagine the positive effects intermittent fasting, training daily and eating healthier can have on your body composition and health in general.

Fasting puts your body in a fat burning state that you rarely make it to during a normal eating schedule.


With intermittent fasting, you are supposed to fast for 16 hours which leaves you with only 8 hours to refeed. Knowing that you only are allowed to eat through these hours (recommended 11AM-PM or 12PM-8PM), your morning routine switches to just water,coffee or Natural BCAA’s. Although starting Intermittent Fasting can be difficult, your body eventually adjusts.


Intermittent fasting is a great tool to use to build muscle while losing fat. Generally speaking, intermittent fasting will make you eat less calor

ies throughout the day and helps you refrain from snacking late night. Additionally, intermittent fasting enhances hormone function to facilitate weight loss.


In one study, fasting was shown to influence several components of heart health. It increased good HDL cholesterol & decreased both bad LDL cholesterol & triglyceride levels.

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